Soundswell’s Training Offer

Training empowers staff to support all children.  It is a crucial part of what we offer, especially at universal level.

After every course we send you a summary showing how staff have benefited and indicating possible ‘next steps’. 

This helps show the impact for staff (and ultimately children).  It also helps demonstrate value for the money you have invested in staff development.

What kinds of topics are covered?

Whilst continuing to offer  bespoke courses where priorities are identified in the schools and settings that regularly commission our service, we also make available a short list of topics both to individual schools and to consortia.

These are subjects which crop up time and time again – subjects which we know from experience will make a difference to speech and language outcomes for children.

The majority of courses work well at universal and targeted levels.  In addition there are two more specialist courses on offer.

How to find out what’s available

The courses can be found by clicking this link SOUNDSWELL TRAINING OFFER 2024

Also, by following this link SOUNDSWELL TRAINING COURSES  you can access the course fliers which provide more information.

How to book

Currently courses are being offered to consortia who book on behalf of their local group of schools and to individual schools who want a larger group of staff to attend.

You can either approach your consortium leads or contact us directly via

Find out what other people thought about a couple of our courses.  (add links to the Wellcomm refresher and SSIPA blog items)

January 21, 2025

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