Primary Schools
At Soundswell we recognise the importance of a robust system to identify difficulties early. A flexible approach in Reception and – if needed – into year 1, means that staff are able to continue to deliver quality EY strategies and interventions for children who still need them. By KS2 whole-staff awareness of teaching vocabulary is probably the most effective tool for raising attainment.

Nursery strategies and approaches still hold good across the EYFS. Language support and early literacy boosts, such as phonological awareness activities, will still be necessary into year 1 (and beyond for some children).
At key stage 2, universal strategies continue to be important (particularly if you are new to commissioning a speech and language therapy service). However, therapist input will begin to focus far more on targeted and specialist support.
Here is a flavour of what we are currently doing
- Training for different staff groups – focus on NQTs
- Contributing to the whole school communication policy
- Hands-on therapy with individuals & groups
- Identifying SLCN in the SEND population and across the whole school
- Differentiation for groups who need it

Strategies and approaches which benefit every child
- Hands-on support for TAs
- Training, advice & resources
- Total communication environment
- Universal screening KS1 & 2
- Training, advice & resources

Group interventions to support….
- Phonological awareness skills
- Vocabulary development
- Narrative skills
- Sound awareness

Therapy for those with the most significant difficulties
- Multi-agency assessment processes
- Reports, IEPs and impact measurement
- Hands-on training for TAs
- Training, advice & resources
Via training sessions large or small, in class groups or
with the therapist working directly alongside staff showing how to support
particular children, Soundswell speech and language therapists make a difference.
We encourage our schools and settings to make the most of the service we provide, but there is no 'take it or leave it' mentality.
We have a menu of options and we love the challenge of developing new approaches too.

If you are a mainstream or specialist provision, nursery, school, college or a SEND department
Contact us for a no obligation chat about your needs and how we could help
Please note:
Unfortunately, we are unable to take referrals from parents or carers for individual children or adults. If you are looking for help for a family member, try: or here