Soundswell Screening & Intervention for Phonological Awareness
Support and develop children’s Phonological Awareness skills.
NB this course is not about techniques for teaching phonics – however it will help you to help those children who are not yet ready for phonics or who are struggling with learning phonics!

This workshop will support participants to :
- Understand the theoretical background and why so many children struggle with phonological awarness
- Learn how to use the screening tool and intervention plans
- Support children who are struggling with learning to read, speech sound development and vocabulary acquisition – all of which are impacted by poor PA skills
If you would like to find out more or reserve a date, contact us on:
Diana 07967 178 491
Jo 07837 048 525
Course Title:
Course Duration:
2 x half days (mornings)
Who should attend:
- EYFS and KS1 staff. (KS2 children who are still struggling will benefit from SSIPA, either delivered as a targeted small group intervention or on an individual basis)
- Ideally 2 staff to attend together – SENDCo/EYFS Manager/Phonics Lead + TA
What’s included:
- The Handbook
- Screening Tool: includes resources and data collection
- Early Intervention session plans
- Extended Intervention session plans

If you are a mainstream or specialist provision, nursery, school, college or a SEND department
Contact us for a no obligation chat about your needs and how we could help
Please note:
Unfortunately, we are unable to take referrals from parents or carers for individual children or adults. If you are looking for help for a family member, try: or here