Hazel Shaw

Speech & Language Therapist

Hazel specialises in speech sound disorders and cleft lip and palate

Job Role

Speech & Language Therapist – mainstream settings


Hazel enjoys providing bespoke training and working closely with parents and staff to share her ideas and skills.

Her passion is working with children with speech sound difficulties including dyspraxia and cleft palate.

Hazel also has specialist knowledge and skills in working with children who stammer.


If you are a mainstream or specialist provision, nursery, school, college or a SEND department

Contact us for a no obligation chat about your needs and how we could help

Please note:

Unfortunately, we are unable to take referrals from parents or carers for individual children or adults. If you are looking for help for a family member, try: www.helpwithtalking.com or here info@thespeechtherapypractice.com