Speech and Language Therapists working in Mainstream Schools
A day course for therapists

A comprehensive guide for therapists working in mainstream schools

Next course: November 4th  Birmingham 

  • A comprehensive guide for therapists working in mainstream schools
  • The Language for Learning model of speech, language and communication
  • An extensive range of tools to support therapists in identifying and supporting school age children with SLCN
  • Links to the national curriculum and new SEN Code of Practice
  • A resources kit including our new book available for therapists and specialist teachers Identification, Assessment and Intervention and a demonstration pack of universal strategies
  • Competences at an enhanced and specialist level of the Speech, Language and Communication Framework

Click below for the flyer and  application form

Working in Mainstream Schools SaLT Training flyer

Diana  07967 178 491
Jo  07837 048 525

Course Title:

Speech and Language Therapists working in Mainstream Schools
A day course for therapists

Course Duration:

Full day

Who should attend:

  • Newly qualified therapists
  • Mainstream school therapists 

What’s included:

  • An extensive range of tools to support therapists in identifying and supporting school age children with SLCN
  • A resources kit including our new book available for therapists and specialist teachers Identification, Assessment and Intervention and a demonstration pack of universal strategies


If you are a mainstream or specialist provision, nursery, school, college or a SEND department

Contact us for a no obligation chat about your needs and how we could help

Please note:

Unfortunately, we are unable to take referrals from parents or carers for individual children or adults. If you are looking for help for a family member, try: www.helpwithtalking.com or here info@thespeechtherapypractice.com