Positive outcomes from challenging times
We heard from several of our team that relationships with school staff have been strengthened in lots of places – in part because we made contact with our settings regularly and offered innovative ways to help them during the first lockdown.
It’s also been much easier for us to get the service going again, and we’ve found ourselves being some of the first and only ‘visiting professionals’ in some schools and nurseries.
One of our team summed it up nicely:
“I have loved having the freedom to use the current situation as an opportunity and it is fulfilling to receive a “yes- great idea, go for it” from the Senior leadership team no matter how out-there it is
e.g. delivering an assembly to parents and children virtually or thinking creatively in order to run summer groups during covid
It has also been really satisfying that staff are so on board with the training delivered over lockdown and it has been great to see the strategies have been implemented into the classrooms. The whole lockdown experience has really raised the SALT profile in the school and it has been wonderful to feel like a part of the school team.”
Written by: Diana McQueen