Data Protection & Privacy information

Data Protection & Privacy information

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force in May 2018.  In response to the new elements required, we amended and added to the paperwork we use to deliver our services. These amendments and changes are now in their fifth year and have become a...
Welcome to part III of Soundswell’s twin blog

Welcome to part III of Soundswell’s twin blog

Just to recap: the purpose of the twin blog is not only to get to know these joyous little boys but also to raise awareness of particular things to think about with ‘multiples’…  In the first part of the story we talked about multiple births in general and the...
Introducing open-cup drinking to your baby

Introducing open-cup drinking to your baby

Move away from bottles as soon as you can and introduce your baby to an open cup.  There are all sorts of very good reasons to do this! Speech and language therapist Justin Drew manages a caseload of babies and children who need specialist help with feeding and...
Part 2 of Soundswell’s twin blog

Part 2 of Soundswell’s twin blog

You may remember that we concluded part I as the twins were approaching their 1st birthday.  Here they are recovering from their big birthday bash! At the time of writing they are 16 months old and are growing into two distinct individuals.   Like with any siblings...